Ah I told you didn't I? That I might never write this blog again. Well I nearly kept my word. Here we are after two months absence back at it again with a 4 minute rant.
So I've been going through a few Sri Lankan blogs these last few days (just to get back on this whole idea of blogging) and I've got the feeling that they are no longer being run by those introvert geeks that used to dominate the blogosphere like back when blogs were the fidget spinners of the mid 2000's.
I've been in and out around Sri Lankan blogs ever since we got our first internet connection in 2012 (yes, 2012! A story for another time). Even then, something that I realized was that, the Sinhalese blogs were on a downward spiral. From what I can see, most blogs started in mid 2000's, had their prime around 2009-2011 and shriveled of starting 2013.
There of course, are blogs that still continue with the same flare they started out 10 years ago, but these forgotten gems are now few and far between. Most of the golden era blogs are now abandoned or hardly ever post if they do at all.
So what happened?
The Sri Lankan blogging community used to be a friendly informal group of people who had a passion for knowledge and shared it freely with the world and among themselves. There was no monetary intentions back then, it was all fun and games until someone got married or got a job. 😀😀 Then came and array of gossip sites, underground news blogs and what not.
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